My practice as an artist, researcher and educator builds on a background in documentary photography. It critically engages with present-day effects of 19th ad 20th century images and imaginations of ‘Africa’, formulating visual and textual responses to questions on the value and meaning of photographs in and for different heritage communities in Europe and Africa. The research projects I initiated are explicitly open-ended endeavours.

I study photographs in Uganda and Ugandan historiographies through collective making, and activate the photographic legacy of Paul Julien (1901-2001), a Dutch author who – with his widely distributed stories and the photographs connected to them – responded and contributed to dominant 20th century imaginations of Africa for a west-European Audience. I am also a senior lecturer and researcher at the BA Photography and the MA Photography & Society of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. I live in Rotterdam (NL) and, whenever possible, in Kampala (UG).

Download my c.v. (version June 2024) as PDF here.
To get in touch, mail andreastultiens at gmail dot com